A Sunday Flicks Edition: Reminder there is Persepolis...

Back with another review, this time an animated feature film called Persepolis. Based on an autobiographical graphic novel, it tells the story of the author Marjane Satrapi and her early childhood years living within a intolerant government regime in Iran. Outspoken political beliefs are banned, western culture is looked down upon, and all woman must dress modestly including wearing the black hijab veil.

This is a French language film. But with DVD there is English dubbing. Even though it's an animated film, it's smart and poignant about the politics and war. The animated style is also refreshing. Most of the film is drawn in simple black and white colors, representing the past of the author's childhood and adolescent years. There is nothing Disney about this film, but a very honest look during the Islamic Revolution through the eyes of a person who lived through it.

For the curious...the trailer and images:

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